winter storm warning

Due to inclement weather our district will be closed this Friday, January 10th. 

A decision regarding tomorrow, Thursday, will be shared tonight.

As we persevere through the winter months, we want to remind everyone of our procedure for adjusting the school schedule in the event of inclement weather.

At all times, any decision about when to close schools, dismiss early, or start late will be made with the highest regard for the safety of our students and staff. When decisions are made, families will be notified promptly via robocall, Facebook, Stuttgart School District App, and notifications on the local radio and television stations.

The Stuttgart School District exceeds the state minimum school day requirement daily. The extra minutes in session each day accumulate and over time allow for a minimum number of days to be missed -- without the requirement to make up the time. However, in the event that days must be made up, the following makeup days have been designated (to be used in order, if possible): May 27-June 2.

Our complete 2024-25 academic calendar can be found here: 

2024/2025 School Calendar